MMECA History
A group of local electrical contractors decided in the early fifties of our last century to formulate the bylaws and constitution for an organization called the Flint Electrical Contractors Association.
In order to be a part of the Association, the contractor had to earn more than 50% of his/her living from the business which he/she represented.
Over the years, the membership grew and those in attendance represented the who’s who of electrical contractors in the Genesee, Lapeer and Shiawassee counties.
Representation in the Association was by both union and non-union contractors.
As the years passed, the constitution was amended to allow those contractors admittance who did not rely solely on their contracting work for their livelihood. This opened the doors for even more members to join.
Four years ago, the name of the Association was changed to the Mid-Michigan Electrical Contractors Association in order to broaden the membership data base, allowing it to encompass those contractors in more than the three previous mentioned counties.
The membership today consists of a melting pot of varied talents and expertise and membership has continuously been on the rise as more contractors hear about us.
Our goals are to educate the contracting membership in the latest technologies available through speakers presenting on a collage of subjects, answering electrical code questions which may arise, assisting with field problems, discussing problems which have arisen during the course of the month between meetings, gathering information on statutes and changes in the laws governing the electrical business and attending, when necessary, those meetings which will have a definite impact on our industry, reporting the findings of those meetings back to the membership.
Come join us and share your experiences. You will be amazed at what you can learn from others who are doing the same business as you are.
Copyright © Mid Michigan Electrical Contractors Association